Saturday, 24 June 2017

Chaos becomes the norm

CHAOS is a Greek word that is often misused; its meaning has been twisted to mean possibly, a vast chasm or void, or anarchy and even the science of unpredictability.
It is my belief that out of the mayhem of chaos great change possibility arises.
Unpredictability as a science is fascinating in itself; the unpredictability of the weather these days is most certainly a science in itself. The deniers of climate change really are arguing against the science of predictability in regard to weather patterns and events but most importantly they argue against the causes of climate change and most strangely they suggest that man-made behaviours play no part in the ever growing evidence of chaos that the world is now experiencing in regard to weather events.
Reports from all around the world tell us that climate change events are growing in number and that there damaging effect is expanding at a rapid rate.
Naturally chaos has as its creation a bed of many factors and high on the list is the human behaviour factor, and natural human behaviour is to blame others for the state of chaos that surrounds various aspects of human life.
Yet great changes of a worthwhile nature arise because of the chaos created by man-made behaviour. For example out of the chaos of war have come great inventions to rescue mankind from the self-destruction that war creates.
Being a soldier and seeing the destruction that war entails often leads to a change of heart and to a pathway toward peace in the longer term. Of course it can also lead to the creation of murderous dictatorships i.e.; Syria and even the United States that preaches peace but conducts war on a massive scale in the Middle East and elsewhere.
This behaviour of chaos construction, by stating one thing but doing another has been used for hundreds of years, Britain for example preached peace while practicing divide and rule policies over and over again in India and around the world, and I might add here in New Zealand.
Another example is the chaos that exists in the UK political scene; many simply cannot understand why the youth of the UK have turned to a seventy year old Corbyn to be their hero…they fail to understand that it is because of what he says…and not who he is. What he preaches is socialism and this offers the young something different to the neoliberalism that they have experienced up to this point.

Is telling fibs the in thing nowdays.

Why did English lie? Why did English not front-up to his old boss John Key, was he scared or simply being a chicken?
“The clandestine taping of an employee by Government MP Todd Barclay has resulted in a secret payment from former Prime Minister John Key’s leader’s budget to make the issue go away”. 
Melanie Reid
Melanie Reid is Newsroom's lead current affairs and investigations journalist, she went on to write:
“Current Prime Minister Bill English knew about the payment and the bugging — and National Party board members and the Parliamentary Service also knew about the secret recordings.
Barclay’s former electorate agent Glenys Dickson was paid the hush money after learning of the dic-taphone left running in the Gore office and then engaging an employment lawyer.
Police who investigated whether illegal recording had occurred closed the case without being able to speak to Barclay and without seeking search warrants to obtain the dic-taphone or transcripts from the office or his home”.
I don’t think we may ever find out just why Key shut English down and ordered the payment to Glenys Dickson [pictured]… but I’ve no doubt it was to protect Key from exposure to a police investigation after Key forced the police to investigate a photo-journalist who without permission recorded his PR public chat to wee John Banks the then ACT leader…
The police at the time suddenly raided Radio NZ, TV three and TV One’s studios in an effort to stop the Banks Key conversation becoming public.
Commentators at the time stated that this was clearly Key using his so-called power to stop the truth coming out. Remember Key had already replaced the GCSB boss with his own man and later made the dumped ex GCSB boss governor-general.
Melanie Reid Newsroom's lead current affairs and investigations journalist, she went on to write
“Conversations thought to have been recorded included sensitive health issues raised with Dickson by women constituents.
Barclay, the MP for Clutha-Southland and Parliament’s youngest MP have repeatedly sought to downplay allegations that he secretly recorded Dickson.
However, a Newsroom investigation into the MP’s conduct — including an interview with Dickson, speaking publicly for the first time since her resignation — has produced new information about the first-term National MP.
- Barclay denied to members of his electorate there had been recording of Dickson, and about being approached by police.
- English knew Dickson had been recorded by Barclay and spoke to her about it, despite telling media he had not been directly involved in any discussions.
To listen to and watch Newsroom’s brilliant coverage go to: 
Seriously I really cannot find any logical reason for English to lie or deny what took place unless it was to cover for his old boss, who often lied his way out of damaging situations for example the ‘Hair pulling saga’. Maybe English agreed to cover Key’s backside so long as Key supported his [English] becoming leader of the National Party.
We must not forget that English was the worst ever beaten leader [21%] and Key simply detested ‘losers’.
Of course the fact that a big headed tobacco salesman is pulling out of politics is no great loss…I mean honestly who has ever heard about Todd [Phillip Morris] Barclay…The truth is that the deep-south electorate Clutha-Southland is so true blue National that if a two headed goat stood for them it would win with a massive majority.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Utter scaremongering twaddle from Martin Van Beynen

Mandy Hager [pictured] called the words below…”utter scaremongering twaddle” and I agree completely…the argument put forward by the writer are so typical of the Roger Douglas period of our history…when money and greed took charge of our once democratic society and the word WE was lost in the rush to use the word I.
Unlike the Stuff writer I have faith in the younger generation and their now correct perception of the neoliberal bunch that took over our country and directed all the wealth into the greedy fingers of the few.
The younger generation are paying for all that mismanagement and private company takeover of New Zealand’s collective wealth. The young know only too well of the takeover of various profitable enterprises once own by us all. The young are now heavily in debt because of the student loans system introduced twenty odd years ago.
 Martin Van Beynen who wrote the stuff item must be living in some world unknown to the rest of us…and I’m no chicken…he is the strange chap that believes there is no inequality in NZ. He is a sort of a reincarnation of Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson and even John Banks mixed into one unintelligent pen pusher. Here is what he wrote, in part:
“It's also understandable why young voters should find the socialism espoused by Corbyn, essentially a reactionary, attractive.
They are simply too young to have lived through a big government, highly regulated, state-ownership economy or to remember much about the disastrous socialism experiment in the Soviet Union.
Corbyn's United Kingdom would see a return to collective bargaining, nationalised rail, post and water, a free national health and education service, high taxes on the rich and massive Government investment in infrastructure. It sounds very much like New Zealand pre-1984.
Young New Zealand voters won't remember the endless strikes and ubiquitous regulation. Yes wages were high but only for workers with unions who could hold the country to ransom.
If school holidays were coming up, the seamen would stop the ferries across Cook Strait. When stock was banking up at the freezing works, the freezing workers would go out. The wharves were centres of industrial blackmail, pilfering and inefficiency.
It took weeks to get a telephone installed and New Zealand set world records for the length of time it took to construct anything. Yes we protected our industries but that led to cronyism, high prices and lousy quality. We had about one per cent unemployment but how many people actually worked?
The country ignored international realities.
By 1984, New Zealand was struggling with crippling balance of payments and budget deficits, was heavily subsiding exports and regulation, which had been used to freeze prices, had gone as far as it could go. A financial crisis was imminent.
The correction, when it came, was brutal, perhaps unnecessarily so, but choices were limited.
Perhaps the outlook for young voters in New Zealand is not nearly as bleak as those in UK, US and France but they will share some of the same views.
Our parties, desperately competing for the middle ground, will be wondering how they can harness this young voter disillusion. A bribe around education is always a good idea.
But tired, old solutions proposed by the likes of Sanders and Corbyn have been tried before and failed to produce a golden age. Young voters need a reminder”.
If you feel up to the strain you can read his whole ramble… 
It’s not hard to accept that this year is an election year…and the Nats will need every bit of PR propaganda they can muster from their friends in the MSM. I believe that young people are on the move especially when it comes to understanding the massive double cross behaviour that was forced onto them by the now discredited neoliberal money manipulators. Why because they [the young] are now having to pay the price for the greed and selfishness of my generation. The great bulk of my generation are now seeing only too clearly the fatal and life damaging results that we though our blindness and greed have left behind for the younger generation to repair.
Van Beynen is of Dutch extraction, van Beynen was born in Christchurch.[1] He lived in west Auckland from the age of 11.[1] He was educated at St Peter's College, Auckland[2] where he played rugby union.[3] He attended the University of Auckland where he studied law, graduating in 1981.[1] He gained a M.A. in 1982.[2] Van Beynen is married with three children and lives in Diamond Harbour, Banks Peninsula.[1]
All his education was funded by the tax payers of the time…no student debt for him…

Have a happy week and never forget you are back bone of a nation that is rediscovering a collective and caring are among the most important people in the world.

Peter J Wheeler

Kissing a dead Israeli rat.

1. Less than 100 days before the next general election and the polls are starting to tell a new story…Of course we all have differing views on just what these early polls actually mean. We will read into them what tales suit our various perspectives.
Aged NZ First supporters who love to run with Winston Peters are still enjoying his openly racist and anti-immigration rants…in some respects Winston is a aged junior version of nutty US President Donald What’s-his-name, only he has most likely got a few more active brains cells and we know that he can read and write…unlike DT.
It would seem that the National Party still puts some value on their own polling by such boy wonders for example Kiwi Bog owner David Farrar and Matthew Hooton who always comes up with what the highest payer wants. Both are very good friends of Israel and must have been over joyed at the way ‘wee’ Jerry Brownlee kissed Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu Israeli arse while begging forgiveness on behalf of New Zealanders just last week, maybe that was one of the major reasons the latest poll indicated what it did…This from The Daily Blog:
Latest UMR Poll National 42% – Labour/Green 45% « The Daily Blog
Martyn Bradbury
Those desperate to see an end to this appalling Government, the latest TV3 Poll putting Labour on 26% and National on 47% would have been pretty depressing.
It shouldn’t be.
The Poll was taken in the sugar high of the fawning media’s description of National’s budget as left wing and family friendly before the real criticism of how National have actually underfunded health by the tune of $2.3 billion was out.
This is also the Poll that 4 months out from the 2014 election was giving National 50%.
The latest UMR internal fortnightly Poll from Labour taken between 7th June – 15th June paints a completely different picture.
This was taken after the criticism of the budget and after Labour’s foreign student cutback policy.
National 42% (down 2)
Labour 32% (up 2)
Greens 13% n/c
NZF 9% n/c
The truth is the Corporate mainstream media want you to believe Bill English has won before the election is even held.
The truth is that if the youth of this nation rise up and participate and demand change, then the powerful crumble.
If the madness of National’s wealth illusion speculative property bubble housing crisis demands you to act.
If the horror of a suicide rate 3 times higher than officially acknowledged, 41000 homeless and 1600 dying from cold homes annually is unacceptable to you.
Then now is the time to put your shoulder to those political parties who guarantee a change of Government – Labour, the Greens or MANA.
We must refuse to allow the mainstream media to drain us of our hope that change can come.
The time to act is now.