Wheeler's Corner 44 27th October 2018
'Connecting people who care'
Citizens who care deeply about people, all people that is, have been saddened that our Council failed to listen and pushed ahead with the NZ Defence Industry Association's so-called forum. These caring citizens pointed out the hypocrisy of calling ourselves a 'Peace City' while supporting weapon sales,
Oh they may dress it up...as National security...or protecting us from world terrorism. You know like when the FRENCH sunk the Green peace ship in Auckland killing a Dutch Crew member or maybe the Israeli secret agents who stole passports to be used by their murder squads...ie: Saudi style. It would would seem based on our history that the only terrorist we have contact with come from friendly countries like France and Israel.
The Mayor [Smith] and the NZDIA together have used all the old style propaganda to make their case...you know, 'love of country', ANZAC day, employment, tree donations to Linton Camp, and they are even using paper cups instead of plastic! They even said that the event is sponsored by a catering company, Lockheed- Martin has nothing to do with this forum [even if they did for the last two forums in Auckland and Wellington and are standing for the Board of the NZDIA].
The half truths flowed freely via their press releases. The Council didn't even know who was responsible for approving the event or closing the roads around the citizens stadium. The police have been dragged into the event so that they can protect the Saudi and Israeli agents and other representatives of unnamed secret organisations who are attending to swap ideas [that's what forums do!] It's better way to control or kill their citizens. And at the same time make a few million bucks for Donald Trump's master plan to grow the war-complex he so loves. More about the passport episode:
Trump's response to the Khashoggi killing is interesting and proves yet again how childish his mental abilities are: I quote: "it was a very bad original concept" to make it worse he added "It was carried out poorly" and lastly he added, "And the cover-up was one of the worse in the history of cover-ups", quote ends. Read what he said a second time and digest its meaning. While trying to read Trumps mind is an impossibility we can I believe assume some thing like this:
If I [Trump] had ordered this murder I would have had him run over by a bus rather than cut up. He would have carried out the killing by using better quality murderers for example the CIA or Israeli hit men. In other words the murder itself was OK, but the method and planing was all wrong!
To think that this guy Trump is the President of the USA, All we can do is have pity on those living in America. It's no wonder the KKK love him...to death.
Water under the bridge...I received this by email:
Have you caught up with the recently expressed concern from the Council in Christchurch suggesting home owners in the city will need to do what they can to conserve water as a way of limiting the need for chlorination of available supplies? How long ago was it we read about the issue of permits to foreign interests, mostly Chinese, to operate water bottling plants taking millions of litres of Canterbury's pristine artesian water for export overseas. All brought about by Herr Kreyp's
oft expressed view that Nobody owns the water.
New Zealand owns the water and its use should be wholly reserved for use by New Zealanders for New Zealanders. If foreigners want our water., What's wrong with bottling sea-water which is an inexhaustible supply! Demand would very shortly 'dry' up!
Breaking News:
Peace Action Manawatū Media Release
Media Release: Court action over illegal PNCC 'Weapons Expo' roadblocks
From: Peace Action Manawatū
Date: 25 October 2018
“Papers have just been filed in the Palmerston North High Court seeking a judicial review of the Palmerston North City Council plans to close streets next to the Central Energy Trust Arena during the upcoming NZ Defence Industry Association Forum, aka 'Weapons Expo', on 31 October and 1 November,” said Dr. Fred Hirst, member of Peace Action Manawatū.
"PNCC needs to prioritise the rights of the people who live here and not these War profiteers. We believe the PNCC are acting unlawfully in seeking to screen people entering public streets and residential neighbourhoods near the Arena. It is unacceptable that anyone has to pass through a security checkpoint or any screening process simply to travel on a public road in this country.”
“These are not the kinds of actions we would expect in our free and democratic country. They are particularly offensive because they are being done to protect weapons manufacturers and dealers from lawful protest action.”
One of the groups affected by traffic control is Te Hā o Hine-ahu-one Palmerston North Women's Health Collective in Waldegrave Street. Manager, Dr Jean Hera, said women visiting the Centre during the forum were likely to be stopped at a checkpoint and asked about the nature of their business.
"This is going to be so intrusive," said Dr Hera. Most visitors just dropped in, and she was worried women needing support would simply stay away.
“The Weapons Expo is a meeting of arms manufacturers and dealers to showcase their latest equipment. These war profiteers have come to Palmerston North having been turned away from Wellington and Auckland venues. This has exposed the lack of a City Council venues hireage policy because controversial weapons dealing is contrary to the Council's ethical investments policy. Now the Council have engineered an illegal traffic plan to ensure that they and Weapons Expo delegates don’t have to deal with any protests. They do not want to be confronted with a moral and ethical challenge to their conscience by non-violent peace activists,” said Dr. Hirst.
“The idea that residents of Palmerston North are being questioned at security checkpoints to enable weapons dealers to conduct their business is outrageous.”
“We are seeking an injunction to stop the plan from taking effect.”
Globe 2pm - 3.30pm Sunday Oct 28
Peace Action Manawatu Presents Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives
Public Hosted by The Globe and Peace Action Manawatū