Friday, 17 April 2015

Jesus set to return plus Steve Braunias latest...

Jesus to return soon:

Yes it’s true, I kid you not, and Jesus is heading toward earth.
At least that is what Michele Bachmann tells us in a report in the Times of New York.

This Christian, fundamentalist, whiz kid, one time republican candidate for President of the United States now famous or infamous for her amazing statements regarding all things biblical. This is one of her more unintelligent statements, reported by Fox News that great supporter of all things republican…and Israeli.
As if that wasn’t stupid enough Michele Bachmann went even further when she claimed that Halloween is based on Satanism:

  But now she goes even further, this from The Times [NY]: According to her vision from her God…Satan won’t get a look in…because Jesus will beat him…and clean up the mess left by Nixon, Bush, and other crazy republican tea party members. Here is what the Times actually said. I’ve kept it short hoping I can beat the arrival of JC…

‘Jesus to return soon’

Michele Bachmann the former Republican congresswoman, who campaigned to become president in 2012, says President Barrack Obama’s handling of the Middle East is a sign of the End of Times and that Jesus Christ will soon return.
In a radio interview, Bachmann once dubbed the “Queen of the Tea Party” predicted that the White House’s rocky relationship with Israel would have “negative consequences”.
She continued ”: I believe that the Bible is true [and] the people of our nation will reap a whirlwind, and we could see economic disasters, natural disasters… The Unite States does not want to be in that position.”

While condemning Obama’s attempts to reach a nuclear deal with Iran, she identified a silver lining: “These are not fearful times, these are the most exciting days in history,” she said.  “Jesus Christ’s return is imminent. Is there anything more important to talk about?”

During her presidential campaign, Bachmann’s worst gaffe is widely regarded to have come when she visit Iowa and declared her delight at being in Waterloo, hometown of John Wayne.
It was actually the home town of John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer who murdered 33 boys and young men…

Now of course Michele Bachmann ‘thank heavens’ lives in the United States, but the United States is not the only country that has weird political figures.

We here in NZ have our own brand of nut cases…for example did you know that the outfit known as the Sensible Sentencing Trust, led by that strange character Garth McVicar a Conservative candidate at the last election, has had his so-called victim advocacy movement officially registered a CHARITY because it  does not have political advocacy as its aim. So it operates tax free for those who donate to it…It did this by adding the word ‘GROUP’, yet various other community groups have been rejected charitable trust status on the grounds that they advocate on behalf of those seeking a better performance from outfits like CYF and suchlike. Here is what the Internal Affairs gave as their reasons for granting SSGT their gift of tax free operations: 

Sensible Sentencing Group Trust registered as a charity
The independent Charities Registration Board has registered the Sensible Sentencing Group Trust (SSGT) as a charity. 
The General Manager of Charities Services, which supports the independent Board’s processes, Lesa Kalapu, has provided the following context for its decision, to assist other organisations that may be considering applying for registration:
“The changed approach, which has enabled the registration of the Sensible Sentencing Trust Group reflects a change in the rules and activities of the SSGT, not a change in charities law or the way it is applied.

“The SSGT no longer has political aims that prevent its registration as a charity.

“It submitted a new application with amended rules and information about its activities, which was assessed on its own merits, and resulted in registration as a charity. Another entity called “The Sensible Sentencing Trust”, has non-charitable political advocacy aims that mean it is still ineligible to be registered as a charity.

“Registration of the SSGT does not signal any change in the law, or the way in which the law is applied by the Board or those acting on delegated authority from the Board.  Every application for registration is assessed on its own merits, applying current law.

“Charities Services monitors charities to be sure that they remain charitable and are not engaged in fulfilling or funding non-charitable political aims, contrary to their own rules and the law”.

Charities Services is a branch of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Naturally Charities Services of Internal Affairs never took account of the fact that the religious based Conservative Party is closely entwined with the National Party and its partners ACT and United Future. Their strange decision is creating utter confusion around the law changes that disallows groups who seek to assist those least able to help themselves. Both the National Party and its hangers on along with the Conservative party strongly believe in the creation of private prisons while closing state prisons as they move toward a full privatisation and commercialisation of our prison system.  

While compiling this blog I was checking the Herald and came across Steve Braunias latest "The Secret Diaries of ... Campbell's nemeses. I just had to share it. It's a great read... 



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