Wednesday 17 July 2019

Peter Thiel thinks Trump is under threat. Wheelers Corner 35 18th July 2019

To read a little more about how this super rich ex German / US / and now Kiwi citizen. 

How he  gained Citizenship in a weird fashion, check out the reference below...I'm sure you will find it most interesting...They say money talks and this simply proves that statement to be correct.

Peter Thiel. Is or was:

A German born, / US citizen / NZ citizen [after only 12 days visiting NZ over a five year period]

So much for his love of the United States and wee Donald Trump...

I suppose he is also super pro-Jewish and super-Republican and once was just the most-est in Trumps baby mind.

Born: 11 October 1967 (age 51 years), Frankfurt, Germany
Net worth: 2.5 billion USD (2019)

He [Thiel] has just published how he thinks Elizabeth Warren is the bigest threat to Donald Trumps re election. Please go to reference below to read more:

Donald Trump as we all know justs loves telling falsehoods, for example he states that he is not racist... is NOT racist, he always repeats his lies... in fact according to him he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body!!!! yeah right... 

He [Trump] is such an honest wee chap, he won't even share his tax returns...anyway to read a little about his racism etc. Go to :

now have a quick look at: 

With leaders like Trump its no wonder that people have lost faith in political leaders...seriously folks Trump has pubicly stated that Republicians are the dumbest voters:

I've published this picture before and its simply amazing how people get in touch stating this is all false news...well it its was published by Peoples Magazine in 1998.

The other fact that Trump never talks about is that he was once a paid up member of the Democratic party...

And he has a thing about women of colour holding elected positions in the US.

He tells them to go back home, but three of the women were born in the US...and you have to be a citizen to beable to stand for election.

Thank God Trump is not a Kiwi or he would be telling Maori to go back home to Hawaii or to some such place...the man is a racist
 fool at best... 

Of course we here in NZ have our share of those who refuse to accept the damage we are doing to our world both environmentally and socially. Farmers in particular are being protected from the consequences of their failure to control their farm waste that is polutting our rivers and streams. 

Some one suggested the other day that most farmers simply want to earn enough to pay the bills etc. I accept that, just as workers want to do the same. 

The big difference between the two groups, is that workers get laid off, when things go wrong, and need to go on to the dole...whereas farmers seem to be happy to accept being given government hand outs...while continuing putting yet more cows on their farms knowing only too well that is a root cause of our polluted rivers etc. And Horizons goes out of itsway to ignore their behaviour. 

Farmers like owners of the big gas tanks are just one bunch of polluters that appear to getaway with murder when it comes to anti-climate individual change management.

When will we ever learn, that we can not remain as greedy as we are if we are to counter the worst effects of that greed on our environment upon which life depends...

The government is trying to bring a balance between gas guzzlers and EV's but its a real pity that every time suggestions are made about balancing farm earnings with meaningful farm practice change, the government backs off...its almost as if Roger Douglas is still with us, and John Key is not the head of the NZ Branch of the ANZ,  The cartoon below says it all about government courage in regard to finance and farming changes...

I've just added this discussion between two cockies and a petrol station owner, it makes interesting reading:  

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