Tuesday, 6 December 2011

What is success, a human story

Two different couples

Couple 1:
They travel by BMW to the Auckland Air Port…and are escorted to the VIP lounge by air port security and the police protection squad. Their luggage is checked in for them. They spend sixty dollars for coffee and snacks before putting their feet up waiting for their flight to be called.

Couple 2:
They carry their back-packs from the Auckland domestic bus depot to the Inter-city bus terminal, at the check-in they confirm their tickets and are told the bus is running an hour late. They sit in the open public waiting area amid the hustle and bustle of the human life around them. They’d like a coffee but at five dollars fifty a cup they decide against it.

Couple 1:
They are escorted on to their aircraft and to the first class cabin, where they are each given a bag of goodies and an iced drink of real orange juice and a menu for the meal due in an hour or two. Their carry on luggage is stowed for them while they select their favourite movie or music and checking their stereo head-sets…

Couple 2:
At last they board their bus and take their seats, the bus slowly fills, and they are surrounded by others as the bus pulls into the busy Auckland traffic, she removes a paperback from her hand bag and he wriggles his backside as he settles into his hard seat. He smiles and says, “Well we are underway, Wellington here we come”, she smiles.

Couple 1:
Arrives at their destination refreshed and wide awake and are met in the terminal by their driver and a new security team, their luggage has been picked up for them and loaded in the boot of a black BMW, before they depart the terminal they duck into the duty free and pick up a few last minute gifts. 

Couple 2:
Arrives in Wellington where they are met by her Mom and Dad, they hug each other and once their back-packs are retrieved from the bus cargo bay and the rear they head off to her parents car a 1996 Nissan Bluebird, but not before visiting the toilets, it has been a long time between visits, Taihape was the last stop. They are both tired and weary and glad the journey has ended.

Couple 1:
Are relaxing with a brandy after they had been served a three course meal on the balcony they were contented on this the first day of their month long holiday. It had been a hectic last three months of the Rugby World Cup and the general election.

Couple 2:
They too were relaxing, her mom and dad had prepared a meal of salad and sliced ham and they all sat around the table bringing each other up to date about life since they had last meet.

Who were these two couples, what did they have in common, did they have anything in common? Let’s take a closer look…

Couple 1:
He was brought up in a State House in Christchurch,

Couple 2:
He too was brought up in a State House only it was in Wellington,

Couple 1:
He entered the world of finance, moving money back and forth between some big players taking his percentage cuts and bonuses and amassed a fairly large chunk of cash. His hobby was politics, his dream, being Prime Minister.

Couple 2:
He completed an apprenticeship and became a fitter and turner, he was paid youth rates for the first three years and didn’t make heaps of cash, but he survived somehow and completed his learning period proud of his achievements. He wanted to design mobile wheel chairs for the disabled.

Couple 1:
He succeeded and became Prime Minister,

Couple 2:
He too succeeded and designed a revolutionary wheel chair,

Couple 1:
Was rewarded with a salary of 400 thousand to go with his millions,

Couple 2:
His employer [F & P] moved production to China and he was laid off, his reward a month’s salary and presently is looking for work.

So there you go the story of two couples, which of these two couples have achieved more…which one was more successful. Your answer will naturally depend on how you rate success…if you say 1. Ask why…if you say 2. Ask why, by doing so your values will be defined.

I know I’ve not mentioned the two women involved that is because I know nothing about them…

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