Thursday 23 January 2020

wheelers Corner 02 25th January 2020 Bernie Sanders plus other matters of interest

Old white males often get a bad name because of the negative behaviour of SOME old white males. Its even worse when they are old RICH White Males making comments about other peoples behaviour especially if it fails to conform with their bias and judgemental views. Standard behaviour practice [whatever that means] ...its even worse when these very same people call themselves religious. And some how believe that their behaviour is supported by their bind acceptance of some religious practice. We here in NZ are in so many respects no different for our the sexist and egotistic attitudes of our age groups... found throughout the world at large.  

Well there is one old white male who proves that not all old white males are self centered and ignorant. His name is Bernie Sanders and my feeling is that he could well be the President of the USA.

Go to the above and listen to and read about the movement that is sweeping America in this election year... What Bernie Sanders says applies to all countries of the world. Here is just a small taste of what Actor and activist John Cusack said of Bernis Sanders:

"It is the "deep and powerful connection to the truth" of Sanders that sets him apart.
"He spoke for the absolute need for justice and equality and dignity for all people," said Cusack, and did so in a way that was "unrelentingly powerful in its moral clarity."
Sanders has "offered a principled and visionary critique of American empire," he added, and "publicly, loudly, and boldly rejected the hideous lie that uncheck greed and predatory capitalism—in all its cruelty—was good."
For his consistency and steadfastness over the years, Cusack said it is clear that Sanders is "one of the true inheritors of the mantle of the great American voices for justice in America."

This will be no easy task...changing our thinking from greed and self seeking racism belief into people related processes that can lead to a better society for all will not be easy, it fact it will be bloody difficult at best... But it can be done.

Millions of people around the world are watching the absolute failure of democracy in the worlds most powerful country, the United States... powerful only because it has created and built, the ways and means of killing millions of people as it follows its might Vs right type of society. It would seem that the citizens of the USA accept that their leaders have the right to murder and assassinate who ever they please. Not that the present President would accually kill anyone himself, he couldn't even don his countries uniform when they needed him to defend their nation...instead he grew a extra foot bone and avoided conscription not once but five times. Muhammad Ali was twice the man Donald Trump was, see insert below:
The Trumps of our world along with all the other self styled and various dictators can and will be long as we collectively stand together against dictatorships and individual greed...

We here in NZ need to ask ourselves some fundamental questions as we work toward a better society, community and world:

1. Do I care about society?
2. And if I do how do I demonstrate that caring?
3. What am I willing to do to prove to others that I care about society and community?
4. Can I list three activities I carry out to prove to my self and to those around me, the belief that only by taking action actually proves behaviour change is real and meaningful? 

5. List those three activities: And be proud of them!



Now get your family and friends to answer the same questions and compare your answers, and discuss how you could connect up and work together to share the load.

That is the behaviour that changes societies and communities and the world at large:

Lastly, Religious and political power plays work well for two world dictators, who control for the time being  the US Israel.
Its the story of two corrupt leaders under massive local issues that involves lies and bull shit, Trump is being impeached and
Netanyahu is facing criminal charges relating to stealing from the state. It is a marriage of two criminals hoping for a respite for the pressure they are both under... which one of the two pictured is a Zionist...obviously its Netanyahu because Trump does not know what the word Zionist means...

After reading the above you like the rest of the world will no doubt realise that the best way to divert attention from their individual criminal acts. Is to create yet another false talking point to divert the media from the real issues taking place in Israel and the USA.

Are they secret lovers?

Which one is the greatest crook?

Which one is the biggest liar?

Which one is educated and which one isn't?

Which one can't read?

Have a good weekend and stay safe, it seems like driving on the roads is a dangerous task these days.

The Deal of the Century: Trump helps Netanyahu in each of Israel's 3 elections over the past year; Does everything he can to help Netanyahu survive. In return Bibi helps Trump get re-elected in November (Evangelical voters). Peace has nothing to do with it 

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