Tuesday 5 December 2017

Panic overtakes humanity in Australia

We will eventually destroy your distorted concepts of democracy and justice and replace them a decent humane system. If you were really interested in stopping harmful foreign interference in our political system you would start by refusing to accept donations to the Liberal and National parties from foreign governments and their intermediaries.[John Tomlinson]

Australians these days appear to fall into two camps the enlightened and the unenlightened. Wheelers Corner guest blogger John Tomlinson is one of the enlightened ones [thank heavens].
Australians are also known these days for their strange attitudes toward incarceration of people on far off Islands in prison camps run by Wilson Security and such like organisation not known for legal humanitarian methods.
Well some Australians are speaking out over the criminal behaviour of both their leaders and those who make false claims about the various invented concerns about national security etc.
The guest blogger is John Tomlinson and he speaks his mind in language that is easy to understand. I wish we here in New Zealand had a few just like him to highlight our various shortcomings. Here is his blog:   
Dear Comrades and fellow travellers this is a brief note sent to our attorney general
To Senator George Brandis:
“Dear bloated turd,
You can stick your revamp of Australia’s espionage laws up your arse. You claim to be protecting Australian democracy but you more than any other cretin have undermined our democracy and decency. You and the entire Liberal National parliamentary party have destroyed our international reputation as a humane country with your offshore incarceration of asylum seekers and refugees on Manus and Nauru.
Your hysterical anti-terror laws are an over the top response to the terror threat which exists in this country. Your cashless welfare cards and Northern Territory intervention are a continuation of the race war of white Australians upon Aborigines for the last 230 years. I spit on your concept of justice.
I give you notice that I will continue to work with decent Australians to rid this country of any trace of the racist infestation of the Liberal and National parties. I will work with honourable people whether they are here or overseas to undermine everything you and your corrupt government stand for. And I will not tell you with whom I am working under any circumstances.
You attack unions for trying to protect workers. You turn a blind eye to injustice. You are an obscenity. All my life Yank and Pommy governments have successfully promoted their forms of corrupt capitalism and I’m sure you will assist them to continue to do so. The Gina Rinehardt’s and Twiggy Forrest’s of this world are given cart blanch to ride rough shod over Indigenous interests and workers’ rights. This is not democracy it is crony capitalism.
You think you can nobble organisations like Get Up and Amnesty International and other such groups which work to make a better world but your insane paranoid delusions blind you to our combined power.
We will eventually destroy your distorted concepts of democracy and justice and replace them a decent humane system. If you were really interested in stopping harmful foreign interference in our political system you would start by refusing to accept donations to the Liberal and National parties from foreign governments and their intermediaries.
You would chase the tax cheats of Google and the like and crack down on rich Australian companies and individuals evading taxes.
You don’t want to enhance or even protect democracy in Australia. You are a popinjay who wants only to gain an unfair advantage over progressive forces who would consign your form of bunyip aristocracy to the dust bin of history. You have no sense of fairness or decency and have to make do with an outmoded degeneracy. We will beat you at the next election and I doubt that that in the interregnum you will get the bulk of your proposed changes through the Senate.  Guest blog ends:

Some back ground information and world opinion: 

From Wikipedia:
Opinion polls show that boat arrivals have always been an issue of concern to the Australian public, but opposition has increased steadily over the previous four decades, according to a 2013 research paper by the Parliamentary Library.[5]
In 2005, the wrongful incarceration of Cornelia Rau was made public through the Palmer Inquiry, which stimulated concern in the Australian public about the detention of children in remote locations and the potential for resultant long-term psychological harm.[10]
Between 1998 and 2008, the UN Human Rights Committee made adverse findings against Australia in a number of immigration detention cases, concluding that Australia had violated the prohibition on arbitrary detention in Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[10][citation needed] The longest-held detainee within the Australian immigration detention system was Peter Qasim, who was detained for six years and ten months.[61]
In March 2012, former Prime Minister Paul Keating said there were "racial undertones" to the debate and that Australia's reputation in Asia was being damaged.[62] In 2013, former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser described the positions of the major political parties as a "race to the bottom".[63]
In 2003, economist Ross Gittins, a columnist at Fairfax Media, said former Prime Minister John Howard had been "a tricky chap " on immigration, by appearing "tough" on illegal immigration to win support from the working class, while simultaneously winning support from employers with high legal immigration.[64]
In 2016, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, criticised Australia's policies of mandatory and off-shore immigration detention. Crépeau claimed that Australia had adopted a "punitive approach" towards migrants who arrived by boat which had served to "erode their human rights".[65]

For further information go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


And I thought my letters were sharp and to the point That just goes to show I'm still but a schoolboy in short pants!

That letter will never have been put before its addressee, a crawling flunkey will have seen to its destruction.

It needs country-wide revision of voting patterns to make any difference. '

'They' would still grease 'their' way back into power.

You only need to review the treatment being dished out to Kiwis to sum up the situation.