Monday, 20 January 2014

New Zealands largest same sex marriage deal.

PM does same sex marriage deal.

We know the PM is in favour of same sex marriage because of what he proclaimed in Nov 2012.
Marriage between cuddly friends is back on the table. John K is offering his hand in marriage in what would be the nation’s largest same sex marriage arrangement since the passing of the Act.
After a public spat almost three years ago when engaged couple, John and Winston decided to part company and seek new and more meaningful relationships outside of their tight social circles. John who had all the money and trust funds tucked away in various tax havens’ as opposed to Winston who had many elderly friends and a few anti Maori connections. 

Their parting language was bitter and acrimonious to put it mildly, John called Winston promiscuous and unprincipled because of his history of changing partners mid-stream and particularly his relationships with Jenny Shipley and one Helen Clark who were of the opposite gender. Winston denied the claims and swears that he never had relationships with either party.

Now John has decided that his old best buddy should be given another chance. The problem is that Winston won’t give a positive or negative answer until after a specific date [which is still unknown] so this has led to John covering his tracks so he has also proposed possible marriage to a wide choice of close male friends.

Firstly to Colin a very conservative man who believes that same sex marriage leads to the sky falling in. So there could be some difficulties there.

Then there is Peter, a onetime traitor who leaked public state secrets, but does have a neat hair do. Some readjustment to the meaning of honesty would be needed.

John is also attracted to members of the Maori Party but as yet is unsure about just who. There may not be a Maori Party, because the party seems to be over.

Last on his list is another John who has a close association with another John who is awaiting trial for fraud and other sins of omission. If a marriage to that John does take place Johns not sure how that will go down with the public at large. It could end up like the ‘Two Ronnie’s TV comedy show

But John has made it public that he will not marry, David Cunliffe, Hone Harawira, or Russel Norman [Metiria Turei doesn’t enter the equation because she is female].

David, Hone and Russel are most relieved  

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